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I'm intelligent and I'm a fool too, I'm a good man and I'm bad too.
Don't know why we think, the happiness of other people is also yours, but for them it's theirs, they deserve all the happiness, all the best things and all the best persons in the world.
So what are you?
I'm the one were taught to respect people and make sure don't do anything to hurt anyone. (Did I obey that), I think I did, but world don't.
Read lot of books, to be selfish, be good to yourself, treat yourself like a king, and lot of stuff, sometime all feels bullshit and sometime all feels a peace of junk, I know one thing, we cannot change when we want to, it's a process and which happens unexpectedly, when you follow the routine and change come automatically, one more thing, no one can do it for you, it's not because no one want to too, because on one can.
Everybody want to be happy, everybody want to feel the best, taste the best, live the best, and as many people say, we deserve the best, then what about the mediocre, what about the failures, what about the people who can't even think like normal people do.
If we have something, it's in existence and unfortunately one day you have to face it, run from it, hide from it, it'll come for you, and that's true.
But it does not mean, you have to be fearful all the time, the point of everything is that live the moment you have, the best moments of your life can be lived while you are best of you. and if something bad happens accept it, and find a solution for it, don't ever feel like to a victim or some sad person,  who will never get out and smile again, it's good to feel bad, it's good to cry, it' good to talk about bad experiences, but it's not good to stay with them, address your feeling, feel the way you are feeling for a time but let it go, and start living.

When something bad will happen, does not matter it's your life or someone who is connected to you, people will blame you, somethin not because they want to you to feel the pain, it's because they can't take it on their own, they know they are responsible, just don't want to accept that, so if you are at fault accept it, and if you are not, please don't, else people will use you to dump their fears and feeling and you will be so fucked up.

I'm writing this because, I have done lot of bad things in life and know, karma is real and one day you'll be standing next to it, please don't ask then, who are you and why me.        
